James Rose is a cognitive hypnotherapist who lives in Crouch End where he also has a practice. Here he shares his insight on the ‘New Year resolution conundrum’ that many of us find ourselves in at the turn of 2015.

It’s that time of the year again of ‘out with the old and in with the new’ and a host of pleges to lose weight and get healthy.

Recent psychological studies estimate that as many as 80 percent of New Year resolutions fail within the first month.

There are many reasons for this and a big one is the fact that, as a species, we are so resistant to change.

Human beings are creatures of habit so changing behaviour isn’t easy. Think about the pleasure you might associate with sugar, smoking or alcohol. These habits have become locked in and it can require dynamic work to shift your perception.

The exact same thing can be said of psychological habits such as low confidence, lack of self-esteem or pure laziness.

If we start to see our resolutions as positive habits which will bring pleasure, we can psychologically and physically begin to embrace them. Starting to see resistance to change as part of the natural process allows us to try new methods which can help unlock it. Making yourself a promise, without grasping this concept, then beating yourself up if you break it is simply counter-productive.

An old school friend of mine, wise beyond his years, once said, ‘Do what you always do and expect to get what you have always got!.

In life, it seems that, when we struggle to get something to work, rather than change tactics, we tend to do the same thing but try even harder.

The best time to set a resolution or goal is today and not 1st January. That being said, the allure of beginning the new year on a fresh path still inspires the imagination. If you can’t break ‘new year resolution syndrome’ then fine, start on the 1st January, but please try a new tactic.

It’s also important to make any lifestyle change for you. Not for anyone else, do it for yourself. You can do it! Others can provide motivation or encouragement but make that promise to yourself. Embrace the change whilst looking forward to the pleasures these new habits will bring you and your loved ones.

Where do I come in? I can help you achieve what you want. I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’ve battled with old and destructive habits and managed to create a platform for change which has resulted in a more positive, healthier and happier life.

As a cognitive hypnotherapist I use a range of techniques, from hypnosis to achievement strategies to CBT and then some.

Do something different and expect the results that you truly want.

If you’d like to change strategy, gain support and insert creative, results orientated, solutions into your ‘new year’ or ‘new you’ resolutions then please get in touch at info@cognitivedirection.com.

You can read about my techniques and client successes at www.cognitivedirection.com.