This Dutch black comedy offers up an interesting new hybrid: a male chauvinist feminist revenge thriller.

Newspaper columnist Femke Boot (Herbers) is so enraged that in the social media age people can't have different opinions and just be nice about it, she starts killing men who post anything abusive about her. Did we all spot the irony there?

The film chooses to ignore the practicalities of being a serial killer. Luckily it takes place in a Holland where the police never dust for fingerprints, victims are always home alone, and passers by don't see or hear anything, even in broad daylight. Nonetheless, you'd think she'd do a bit of forward planning. Boot will just head out with her bag of weapons on a whim, often in a totally inappropriate outfit or at an inconvenient time. Women eh? Always flying off the handle.

Ham & High: Katja Herbers in The ColumnistKatja Herbers in The Columnist (Image: Supplied)

Everything is kept on a surface level which makes for some light-hearted, bloody fun but means even the lead characters have no depth. (Herbers works wonders covering this up.) Ultimately the film is as reductive of humanity as the social media it is attacking. 3/5 stars.

Directed by Ivo Van Aart. Starring Katja Herbers, Baram van der Kelen, Claire Porro, Rein Hofman and Harry Van Rijthoven. Subtitled. Available on demand from March 12. Running time: 86 mins.