On 8 December 1980, a shot rang out over the New York skyline that changed the world forever. The question where were you when you heard John Lennon was killed? has been asked by millions of people all over the world since the legendary ex-Beatle and

On 8 December 1980, a shot rang out over the New York skyline that changed the world forever.

The question "where were you when you heard John Lennon was killed?" has been asked by millions of people all over the world since the legendary ex-Beatle and humanitarian was shot dead by Mark David Chapman on 8 December 1980.

Set for DVD release by Momentum Pictures on 28 April 2008, CHAPTER 27 is first-time writer-director JP Schaefer's own version of the reasons behind the killing. An official selection at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival, CHAPTER 27 stars Hollywood hot properties Jared Leto (Panic Room, Lord of War, Fight Club), who famously put on 67 pounds to play the part of Chapmen, and Lindsay Lohan (Mean Girls, Bobby), who shines as a hardcore Lennon fan.

Following the events leading up to the moment Chapman shot Lennon five times in the back after the singer had autographed an album cover for him, CHAPTER 27 is a play on JD Salinger's classic novel The Catcher in the Rye, which ends on chapter 26. Chapman related and modeled his life after the book's main character Holden Caulfield, and it was the book he held onto at the time he infamously shot John Lennon. Chapman claimed the book held the reasons behind the heinous act.

Portraying Chapman's mental collapse as his demons win over, CHAPTER 27 is shocking, thought-provoking and ultimately essential viewing for fans not only of the legendary musician, but anyone who want to know more about one of the twentieth century's most talked about events.

Q) How many pounds did Jared Leto put on to play Mark Chapman?

A. 45

B. 67

C. 100