Serves 4


125g sliced mushrooms125g dried wild mushroomsmedium onion, diced.120g butter 1litre chicken stock1 litre beef stock2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds salt and pepper250 ml whipping cream1 slice of bread, diced and fried in oil and butter. METHOD

1. Slice the mushrooms.

2. Melt half the butter in a heavy bottomed pan and saute mushrooms and onion, without colouring,for 5 minutes.

3. Add sesame seeds and remaining butter.

4. Add the stock, dried (or fresh) wild mushrooms,salt and pepper.

5. Cook over a low heat for ten minutes, cool slightly and stir in the cream.

6. For a smooth texture, pass through a liquidiser.

7. Return to the pan and heat.

8. Place in a serving bowl, swirl in cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley and croutons.