Cllr Brian Haley claimed to be quoting Churchill, but the reported remarks are the kind of yah-boo politics of which the electorate is becoming weary. I understand that the matter being discussed was the move to institute a one-hour, one-pound bus fare. T

Cllr Brian Haley claimed to be quoting Churchill, but the reported remarks are the kind of yah-boo politics of which the electorate is becoming weary.

I understand that the matter being discussed was the move to institute a one-hour, one-pound bus fare. This was a serious matter and potentially of concern to all residents. Many of the poor are wholly dependent on public transport, while at a time of recession, all ratepayers in Haringey face one of London's highest council taxes. Cllr Haley declined to support the measure. This was a measure that ought to enjoy cross-party support, as it would be likely to increase the use of public transport.

Brian Haley claimed he would make Haringey the greenest borough in London, but even if that were achievable, it is a pitifully low goal.

What appeared in the council debate to be mild misogyny might be easier to take if the normally silver-tongued Brian was himself a heavyweight and effective in his portfolio. But during his tenure as transport supremo, there's been a want of leadership.

One example has been his attitude to Controlled Parking Zones. In Cllr Edge's Ward (Stroud Green), the Finsbury Park CPZ was extended over a railway bridge which (obviously) has no housing alongside. This extension appears to be pure bloody-mindedness by Brian's officers, who seem to be out of control.

In a Stroud Green Residents Association meeting some while ago, Brian said this extension was 'silly' (verbatim quote, witnessed by 40 people). He indicated he would review this CPZ extension. The extension appears to have had no intention other than to deny the creating of a useful buffer between an expanded CPZ and the surrounding non-CPZ streets. Was the intention to fill an any gaps and ensure that parking problems were pushed relentlessly northwards? Later, Brian told an area assembly meeting that he was suspending all CPZ reviews. On whose behalf has this man been working?

It seems that his sincerity as well as his chivalry is in question. If Brian wanted to do something helpful before he retires, he might review the Finsbury Park CPZ extension, with particular reference to the Oakfield Road Bridge.

CD Carter

Stapleton Hall Road, Stroud Green, N4