Now, more than ever, local journalism matters – and here’s how you can support us.

In addition to holding public services to account, and bringing you the latest news from our high streets, our courts and our sports teams, our staff are now working round the clock to provide you with the latest, fact-checked information on the fight against coronavirus.

Last week we launched our There With You campaign and community groups have already come forward to be featured in the newspaper and listed on our online directory.

But now we are also asking for the support of our readers for the Ham&High itself.

I’m eternally grateful to those who buy the newspaper every week and to the advertisers who have enabled us to provide trusted news for nearly 150 years.

But times are changing and many thousands of people get their news for free from our website.

The coronavirus outbreak has made times especially tough for many businesses – and the news industry, which was already under pressure, is no different.

This is why we are inviting readers of our website to give their financial support for our work.

Whether on your smart phone or on a computer, when you visit you will now see a yellow box at the top which says “We are #ThereWithYou through the coronavirus - Support our work”. By clicking on the button you will see an option to make a voluntary payment, or set up monthly payments, in support of the Ham&High.

This is, without doubt, a tough time for everyone but we are proud of the role we play in the community and we know the newspaper is greatly cherished.

We are proud of what we do and, as journalists, most of us can’t imagine doing anything else.

Local journalism is a vital resource for our communities and I hope you will give us your support.