Like you (H&H Comment, October 2) I welcome Cllr Theo Blackwell s suggestion that it is high time council parking revenues could be spent on things other than roads and pavements. Cllr Blackwell argues that much of the money should be diverted to communit

Like you (H&H Comment, October 2) I welcome Cllr Theo Blackwell's suggestion that it is high time council parking revenues could be spent on things other than roads and pavements.

Cllr Blackwell argues that much of the money should be diverted to community forums, and I certainly hope that Camden's new area forums will soon be given at least some budgets of their own. I am told that similar organisations were transformed when that was done in neighbouring Westminster.

But I would like to suggest what seems to me an even more appropriate way of spending parking revenues - on improving Camden's recycling and sustainability programmes.

As Cllr Alexis Rowell and Andy Moore of the Campaign for Real Recycling explained in their letter (Let's have less commingling and more genuine recycling, H&H, October 2) Camden's present system of commingled recycling collection is a cheapskate and counter-productive con on the public. It actually does more damage to the environment than it does good!

Diverting parking revenues to energy conservation and sustainability would be in line with the Lib Dems' policy of a 'green tax switch' - making the polluters pay for more eco-friendly policies in future. It should, I hope, command all-party support.

Robin Young

Bedford Avenue, WC1