More than 50 pupils in Camden are still without a secondary school place in September, it has been confirmed.

But bosses at Camden Council say they are confident issues will be resolved before the start of the school year.

The authority says 58 Camden residents have not yet been offered a place, partly due to “increased demand”.

Of these, 21 were late applicants.

But nearly three quarters of parents were offered their first choice place.

Councillor Angela Mason, cabinet member for children, said: “It is very satisfying to see that 72 per cent of Camden parents have been offered their first preference schools, a figure similar to last year (71 per cent), and a noticeable improvement on 2014/15 (63 per cent).

“In total 91 per cent of residents were offered one of their top three preferences.”

And she added: “As offers are accepted or rejected ahead of the 15 March deadline, this situation will change and we expect, depending on waiting lists, that all the currently unplaced children should be offered a Year 7 school in the near future.”

Anyone in need of advice or information has been urged to call Camden’s admissions team on 020 7974 1625 or email

What do you think of secondary school admissions this year? We’d like to hear about your good and bad experiences. Please email and we will endeavour to publish a selection.