Clearly the protesters to the establishment of a Tesco Express are undoubtedly vociferous in their opposition but that does not mean that they are the majority, or correct (Tesco set to rule at the old Britannia, H&H August 28). It will, in fact, be most

Clearly the protesters to the establishment of a Tesco Express are undoubtedly vociferous in their opposition but that does not mean that they are the majority, or correct (Tesco set to rule at the old Britannia, H&H August 28).

It will, in fact, be most pleasant to be able to visit this nearby small supermarket which will actually be cleaner, tidier, more convenient, have better quality products at lower prices than the other small nearby shops.

I am confident that Camden Council will stipulate that the new Tesco Express will be run in such a way that the objections are invalid. I have also found the Tesco Express in Hampstead to be popular and convenient with no detrimental effects to Hampstead.

Peter Eisner

Goldhurst Terrace NW6