Students from William Ellis School and LaSWAP sixth form centre were given the chance to highlight the health concerns that mattered to them in a video campaign produced with the help of Healthwatch Camden.

The pupils produced three videos and contributed to a report which allowed the teenagers to talk about issues like drugs, body image, and stress about school in relation to healthcare provision in Camden.

The report was released on August 1.

Frances Hasler, a director at Healthwatch Camden said: “We’re pleased to collaborate with young people at William Ellis School and LaSWAP consortium on this important campaign.

“It’s crucial that young people are heard when shaping and delivering Camden’s health and social care services. The young people we spoke to highlighted mental health issues that concern some young people in Camden.”

Joey Glover, who teaches film studies at William Ellis School said: “We’ve really enjoyed working on this project. The students were able to develop their communication and film-making skills and it’s really important that young people’s views are listened to when delivering health services.“