COUNCILLORS across Westminster are mulling over the best way to spend their £100,000 ward budgets and are calling for residents to help them. They have until the summer to finalise the projects they want to spend the cash on

Susanna Wilkey

COUNCILLORS across Westminster are mulling over the best way to spend their £100,000 ward budgets and are calling for residents to help them.

They have until the summer to finalise the projects they want to spend the cash on. This must then be approved by the cabinet.

The three councillors in Church Street want to spend the money on open spaces and gardening to make the area more safe and accessible for residents.

Cllr Barbara Grahame said: "It is a high density area because most people live in flats and we want to get ideas from people about how to make the most of the open spaces and what they think we should do.

"We are going to send out a letter to everybody asking for ideas of what people would like to do for their own area and how they would like to join in themselves.

"If people come back and really do not like the green space idea then we would reconsider but I think most people will think it is a good idea.

"Residents have just got to come up with ideas and tell us about them. One idea was to hire a community gardener, another to provide the funds so people can plant window boxes."

Meanwhile residents in Marylebone think drinking water fountains are the way forward.

Jonathan Glanz, from the Marylebone Association, said: "We have made some suggestions which we think would reflect the needs of local people.

"One of the suggestions we came up with was restoring and expanding the number of drinking fountains.

"Our Victorian forefathers thought drinking fountains were a good use of money and we feel this is something which ought to be provided because it means there would be fewer people carrying and throwing away plastic bottles in central London.

"This is something that could significantly aid the amenities for residents and visitors - both young and old."

Marylebone High Street Cllr Harvey Marshall said: "We are having a meeting at the end of the month and we are going to be looking at what has been suggested so far. We want to do something where all the residents and visitors can see some benefits - we want to make sure everyone is rewarded."

The council announced £2million funding in November for local projects and each ward across the borough received £100,000 - and the councillors themselves will decide what it is spent on.

They will be helped by top council officers and have been given a new development package to equip them with the skills and knowledge to handle their new frontline role.

o To contact your councillor with ideas for the ward you live in call 020-7641 2322 or visit www.