It is an honour and a privilege to be able to continue in my role as deputy leader leading on the council’s environmental agenda and the borough’s response to Climate Change.

With each passing year the climate and biodiversity emergencies become increasingly urgent. We are determined to meet this urgency with a far-reaching, ambitious and transformational programme which will make Haringey one of the greenest boroughs in the capital.

We will take huge steps in reducing carbon, not only through our ever-expanding Streets for People, low-traffic neighbourhoods and school streets programmes but also through the re-writing of our Local Plan which will set the standard for robust demands when it comes to planning and housing developments.

We will protect and nurture biodiversity with the creation of new nature reserves, pocket parks and a network of wildflower meadows.

Ham & High: Cllr Mike Hakata is tackling the climate emergencyCllr Mike Hakata is tackling the climate emergency (Image: ©David Mirzoeff 2021. All rights reserved.)

There will be a focus on energy efficiency and renewable projects, simultaneously tackling fuel poverty and climate change as we retrofit our council homes and buildings whilst exploring local sustainable energy production.

Urban Forest programme will deliver thousands of new trees whilst strengthening the protection of our current stock.

This is as much about the creation of good, local green jobs as it is about creating, in partnership with businesses, thriving pedestrian-focused high streets which can be a magnet for people from across London and even further afield.

We are taking a 'whole-borough', holistic approach. The environment does not exist in a silo but is integral to everything we do. This is a project that involves all directorates of the council.

A clean air borough is a borough which protects the health of its children. A low-traffic, inclusive and accessible borough is one which ensures the safety of those on the lowest incomes. A green borough is one which promotes and celebrates in the wellbeing of everyone.

And we are equally committed to doing this in partnership with all Haringey residents. We all have a crucial role to play.

Only together can we make the changes that will build back Haringey as a safe, green, prosperous and inclusive borough.

Cllr Mike Hakata is Haringey Council deputy leader and cabinet member for Climate Action, Environment & Transport.