Two friends who hadn’t seen each other for fifty years were reunited at a recent charity tea party in Golders Green.

Ruth Green, from Golders Green, held a bake day themed tea party on Tuesday, as part of the Great Jewish Bake Day.

The day was organised by Jewish Care.

As part of it, Norma Morgenstern went along and was delighted to see Gwen Rose, a friend she hadn’t seen for 50 years, since they were both raising families.

Gwen said: “I met Norma and we hadn’t seen each other for about 50 years since our children grew up together in Cricklewood.

“In those days, everybody knew everyone. It’s not like that now, especially as you get older and can’t get out easily, you know less people.

“I’m not a person who goes along to everything but the tea party was lovely and last week was particularly jolly. I came back feeling elated.”

The duo are now planning to meet up more often at the tea parties, in the future.