Schoolboys are not always the most fashion conscious, but pupils at a Belsize Park boys school have made it their mission to raise awareness of labour conditions in the clothes industry.

Pupils at The Hall School in Crossfield Road wore their clothes inside out to raise money for poverty charity War on Want on Thursday (April 24), one year after 1,133 sweatshop workers lost their lives in the Rana Plaza factory disaster in Bangladesh.

After learning about the tragedy in their geography lessons, the 10 and 11-year-olds decided to take part in Fashion Revolution Day by holding an assembly about the disaster and getting their classmates to wear their clothes inside out so everyone can see the label.

The idea behind the campaign is to become aware of who makes the clothes on our backs and to drive towards a fair fashion industry for workers.

The school has raised £500 so far for War on Want, which fights poverty in developing countries.

Olivia Buchanan, head of geography, said: “They’re extremely fortunate boys and they come from very privileged backgrounds so for a lot of them it’s really opened their eyes. “A lot of them said they now feel guilty for complaining about not getting the latest smartphone, when children are slaving away in sweatshops to make their phones or the clothes they are wearing.”