You may not be aware but there is a review currently underway of healthcare in London known as the Darzi review. This could involve moving some services out of general hospitals to what are known as polyclinics . While it is right that healthcare in Lon

You may not be aware but there is a review currently underway of healthcare in London known as the Darzi review. This could involve moving some services out of general hospitals to what are known as 'polyclinics'.

While it is right that healthcare in London must change - and it is right that more health services can be provided in the community - these proposals are not necessarily the answer.

One of the major problems is that the plans do not make it clear what local services are to be closed, moved or merged. This uncertainty is not helpful for millions of Londoners who regularly rely on their local hospital or GP.

There have been suggestions that what could happen is the downgrading or closure of London's 23 district hospitals and 28 community hospitals. This could mean a loss of beds or the moving of maternity services to individual units, often away from vital emergency services such as 24-hour manned operating theatres.

In addition, A&E services could be moved to a hospital further away which would increase travel times for those needing potentially life-saving assistance. The moving of GPs into proposed 'polyclinics' could take them away from the heart of the community where GPs should be based.

The Darzi report itself says that 58 per cent of Londoners are opposed to the Government's plans; yet the real plans and what they mean for the general public are not being spelt out.

I urge everyone to join me in calling for local plans to be published so we know what is being proposed, by writing direct to the Department of Health or emailing

It is not good enough that major change could be happening and people do not know.

Boris Johnson

Conservative Candidate

for Mayor of London