As the year comes to a close, the Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum (DPNF) wishes you all a Happy Christmas and New Year.

DPNF hopes the festive street lights we managed to organise with Camden Council will cheer people up and support our local businesses and shops. We realise we have had another far from normal year with less travel, less face-to-face interaction, less variation than we had in the past. But we expect many have spent a lot of time in our wonderful neighbourhood and endorse our businesses and shops.

Some DPNF 2021 highlights:

The Mansfield Bowling Club site is a special leisure place for all those in Dartmouth Park because of its history - a legacy for the community from the Burdett-Coutts estate.

In anticipation of a planning application being submitted shortly by the new developers, DPNF hosted a community conversation about what the green space protected by the neighbourhood plan would best be used for. The conversation recording can be found at

The Murphy’s Yard application has been submitted, yet not validated. In the meantime, events are overtaking Murphy’s, meaning their proposals for towers are even more out of line with current planning consents.

DPNF is ready to respond when the application is live and welcomes any comment from the community to inform its response (

DPNF’s Greening Team has successfully received a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocation of £4,000.00 for the refurbishment project in Three Point Park. This is to renew the mosaics and re-paint the snakes, which is expected to happen in early spring 2022. This project will be facilitated by the London School of Mosaics along with the help of Brookfield Primary School, DPNF and local community volunteers.

The DPNF Committee is committed to our community and will continue to work on its behalf to make it an even better place to live, work and enjoy.

If you would like to get more involved with our community and DPNF, please get in touch.

Please visit the website to sign up to receive newsletters and updates

Maya De Souza is chair of Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum