Your article (Money floods in to revamp pond, H&H September 25) has the subtitle Hopes for Whitestone to be 2012 cycling venue . Interestingly, the proposal that went out for consultation never mentioned cycling. Surely we all agree that the major benef

Your article (Money floods in to revamp pond, H&H September 25) has the subtitle 'Hopes for Whitestone to be 2012 cycling venue'.

Interestingly, the proposal that went out for consultation never mentioned cycling. Surely we all agree that the major beneficiaries of the proposal should not be the Olympic cyclists (however much we admire them) but the pedestrians and ordinary cyclists who are going to be passing the area before and after 2012.

Therefore the Camden Cycling Campaign has responded positively to the general proposal of 'revamping' the pond but we have asked that Whitestone Walk should be free of motorised traffic, that the signalised junctions should have advanced stop lines (green boxes) for cyclists, that speed reduction measures should be introduced at the roundabout; and if the planners want to be more adventurous, there is a great opportunity to link up with the new cycle lane on Spaniard Road.

If £500,000 is going to be spent let's get maximum benefit.

Stefano Casalotti

Camden Cycling Campaign

Belsize Avenue, NW3