The Lib Dem led council has taken up the barking mad mantle of the previous Labourites and wants to enforce a ruling that dogs must be kept on the lead at all times in all parks and open spaces in Camden, except in a few designated places? I regularly use

The Lib Dem led council has taken up the barking mad mantle of the previous Labourites and wants to enforce a ruling that dogs must be kept on the lead at all times in all parks and open spaces in Camden, except in a few designated places?

I regularly use Waterlow Park in Highgate (bequeathed by Sir Sidney Waterlow to be a garden for the gardenless) to exercise my dog to and from my workplace. I and many others will have to resort to using our cars to travel to walk our dogs! I do not have to explain the consequence of this in the current climate.

Dogs and their owners are the 'eyes and ears' of the parks and less use by dog walkers, especially in winter, will result in a less safe environment. Also many elderly and other groups may not be able or have access to travel to walk their pets. Not to mention the impact this will have on neighbouring boroughs where this draconian measure has not yet been implemented.

This legislation will alienate a close and law-abiding dog-walking community. The majority are responsible, clean up after their dogs and keep them under control. Of the few dog walkers who may continue to walk their pets in the parks if this law comes into force, many will feel forced to break the law and ignore it.

As one of many responsible dog owners I do not intend to merely 'roll over' and accept this without a fight. I urge readers who care about their four legged friends to fight for the right to exercise their dogs properly and responsibly in their local parks.

Avril Castellazzo

Highgate High Street, N6