It was a double celebration for the congregation at St Peter’s Church in Belsize last night, as they celebrated 160 years since the church was established, and marked it with their new refurbished clock.

The church has been fundraising to cover the £25,000 to bring the clock back to life. While the mechanism was still working, the blue face with gold leaf numerals had faded since its last restoration.

Church warden Ken Robbie said: "It's a clock as old as the church itself. The last restoration was a good few years ago."

Clockmakers and restorers Smith and Derby spent a week getting the clock down before taking it away to their workshop in Derby to rejuvenate it.

The Belsize Society has donated towards the project, and fundraising has reached the halfway mark.

An evensong service will be held tonight at 5pm.

Mr Robbie added: "It's a beautiful restoration and in a way it improves the appeal of the whole church."