Leaping through hoops may not be a death-defying stunt but for the brave kids who took part in a field day in Fortune Green, it certainly took some nerve.

Children from Fortune Green and West Hampstead took part in traditional sports day games, including an egg and spoon race, football dribbling, sack races and a three-legged race, to celebrate the renovation of an area within the Green where grass has been unable to grow since World War Two, 65 years ago.

The remains of an air raid shelter prevented turf from growing properly but as part of a three-year improvement programme for Fortune Green, the shelter was excavated, with 40 tonnes of concrete rubble removed.

The event, held during Love Parks Week, was also held in celebration of Fortune Green becoming a Fields in Trust (FiT) protected field last year.

As part of the improvement works, the Friends of Fortune Green have created a landscaped corner of Fortune Green for children to use, replaced two noticeboards and have marked out a running trail around the Green.

Chair of the Friends of Fortune Green, Mark Stonebanks, said: “Thanks to the improvements, there is much greater use of the Green. It is really popular with all sections of the community, but particularly children.”