The last commercial unit in Belsize Village has been snapped up by a wine vendor and restaurant.

Aperivino, a small-bite Italian restaurant, is due to move into 12 Belsize Terrace, becoming part of Belsize Streatery, in November.

Bob Stephenson-Padron, of Penrose Care and co-founder of Belsize Village Business Association, welcomed the new arrival.

He said: "There are a lot of struggling high streets and we tried to turn that around at the end of 2018 (when the association was founded) and we finally finished.

"We had up to five commercial vacancies in 2019 (in the Belsize Terrace area) and now have zero.

"We've been able to fill all the vacancies since then and it's quite incredible that three of these vacancies were filled during the pandemic.

"We are extremely proud of what we've achieved, we really started with nothing, we didn't really have any money until 2020."