ON Friday I was told of election leaflets which the Lib Dems had apparently circulated on polling day around NW3 in its entirety. These leaflets pleaded: Give your support today to the local Lib Dem team – immediately above a photograph of two Lib Dems

ON Friday I was told of election leaflets which the Lib Dems had apparently circulated on polling day around NW3 in its entirety.

These leaflets pleaded: "Give your support today to the local Lib Dem team" - immediately above a photograph of two Lib Dems undeniably identified, with me as the chair of the South End Green Association (Sega) very obviously included in this Lib Dem propaganda.

I take very great exception to this because, as I have indicated previously in the local press and to all political parties, the South End Green Association has no specific political affiliations and clearly the committee members, while supporting various political parties, do not express those views in public.

When I was invited to attend the presentation of petitions at Downing Street I thought it would be good publicity for the cause of our post office at South End Green - I made it quite clear that I was not there in a political role and successfully requested that this newspaper make it clear that I was not there in a political capacity.

How dare the Lib Dems include this in their election publicity without asking me - not that they would have got consent, which they almost certainly realised. That makes it even more underhand, which seems to characterise much of their electioneering. It was not circulated until polling day, nor was I given forewarning so that I could have ensured that it was not circulated with my picture included.

The South End Green Association exists to promote the life and environment of the community and we are very well served by our local councillors who care for the area they represent - but know better than to bring politics into their efforts for us.

I await a public apology.

Pam Gilby

Chairwoman, SEGA