In the heart of Highgate, a once-busy bus stand for the 271 route lies unused.

Since March 2023, when Transport for London terminated the 271 daytime service, this public space has remained empty, offering a stark contrast to the busy high street around it.

The Highgate Society and other community groups see this as an opportunity to find a new purpose for this important space. 

In June 2023, Camden Council allocated £8,000 from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - money paid by developers towards new facilities - for a short-term “meanwhile” use of the space.

Yet, despite this allocation and some initial traffic safety measures, such as the installation of planters, the site remains largely untouched, and the potential of the CIL fund remains untapped.

Leaders from the Highgate Society, Highgate Neighbourhood Forum, Pond Square Residents Association and Visit Highgate are calling for immediate action.

We see the former bus stop area and adjacent road junction as an opportunity to revitalise our High Street while respecting the comparative tranquillity of Pond Square.

Subject to appropriate consultation, this could involve a mix of restaurant and café seating, markets, public seating and green spaces.

Andrew Sulston is looking for community uses for the empty 271 bus stopAndrew Sulston is looking ways for the community to benefit from the empty 271 bus stop (Image: Andrew Sulston)

The successful Christmas Market held by the Highgate Society last December, serves as a test case for the potential of the space.

The market demonstrated that such events could thrive in this area and has attracted interest from groups and individuals eager to use the space for activities like a coffee stand or an antique market.

Camden Council would need to authorise these activities, ensuring that the community space is used responsibly and effectively. The initiatives can also provide valuable insights into longer-term possibilities for the site.

Our community groups are urging Camden Council to appoint a senior officer dedicated to facilitating the short to medium-term use of the space. We have asked for support in obtaining necessary approvals and installing infrastructure, such as an electrical supply.

While our groups are focused on immediate improvements, we also emphasise the need for long-term plans so that a sustainable solution can be found. 

With community support and council collaboration, this important space can become a thriving focal point that can benefit residents, visitors, and businesses for years to come.

For more information or to get involved in this initiative, please contact your local councillors and community groups, or see this section on the Highgate Society website:

  • Andrew Sulston is vice-chair of the Highgate Society.