A new mayor has followed in his father’s footsteps in representing a London borough.

Councillor Robert Rigby has been elected the new Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Westminster following a vote on May 15.

Cllr Rigby, whose late father was elected Mayor of Hornsey - later to become Haringey - in May 1963, has represented Regent's Park ward on Westminster City Council since 2010.

The 63-year-old has lived in St John's Wood for more than 35 years and has previously served as chair of the planning committee and deputy cabinet member for finance and regeneration.

Cllr Rigby said: "It is a huge honour and an enormous privilege to accept this role.

"Westminster is truly an international and multicultural city, and our diverse and vibrant communities make it special and different from other London local authorities.

"I very much look forward to meeting and supporting our many communities across the city during my year of office."

Championing two charities, the Cardinal Hume Centre and the MCC Foundation during his year in office, Cllr Rigby aims to improve the lives of homeless young people and use cricket to connect different communities.

Cllr Rigby said: "One of my key themes for the mayoral year will be getting our young people fit and engaged with sport.

"I can think of no better partner than the Marylebone Cricket Club Foundation, which does an amazing job introducing children and teens to the game.

"Cricket is for everyone, and the MCC Foundation works in communities where young people might not perhaps have thought of trying it."

His proposed agenda also includes school visits and promoting the Daily Mile project, which encourages children to run, jog or wheel for 15 minutes a day.

Cllr Rigby regularly runs 10k and cross-country races as a member of the Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers, and is involved with the London Marathon Foundation.

He has spent his working life in sales and marketing within the travel industry, including 20 years with Japan Airlines during which time he met his wife Emiko.

Cllr Rigby said: "As Lord Mayor it will be a year of firsts – the first time Westminster has had a Japanese Lady Mayoress, and I’m pretty sure it will be the first time for a Lord Mayor to run a 10k race in under 40 minutes!!"

The Lord Mayor's chaplain will be Father Christopher Colven, past Rector of St James's Church, Spanish Place, in Marylebone.