A shocking video has shown a patient shoving a paramedic out of the back of an ambulance - as figures reveal a sharp increase in violence against London medics. 

WARNING: Distressing content

The video, released by the London Ambulance Service, shows a patient physically push a paramedic out of the back of an ambulance.

The medic crashes to the ground and falls onto his elbow.

A few seconds later, the patient jumps out of the ambulance and walks past the injured paramedic - who is laying on the floor - showing no reaction or remorse.

Since this incident, the patient has been convicted and ordered to pay compensation to the ambulance staff member.

The London Ambulance Service paramedic said: "I’m glad this went to court because it reminds people this is an unacceptable way to treat us and needs to be stopped.

"We come to work to help people, not for this.

"I always wear a body-worn camera now and I make sure I’m never alone with some patients who I think might be a risk."

It comes as figures show that cases of violence and abuse against ambulance medics have soared over the past year - increasing by nearly 40 per cent.

The London Ambulance Service has released new data revealing a shocking rise in violent incidents against its staff.

Incidences of abuse have leaped from 523 in 2022 to 728 in 2023, an increase of 39 per cent.

These figures show that two ambulance crew members are kicked, punched, spat at, or attacked with a weapon every day in London.

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Pauline Cranmer, Chief Paramedic at London Ambulance Service, said: "These shocking figures reveal a very, very sad state of affairs.

"Our ambulance crews and call handlers work tirelessly day in and day out to care for Londoners and treat each patient with respect.

"Abuse of any form can have a profound impact on our staff and won’t be tolerated."

Ham & High: The paramedic who experienced abuse said this is an 'unacceptable' way to treat staffThe paramedic who experienced abuse said this is an 'unacceptable' way to treat staff (Image: London Ambulance Service)

While abusive patients are only a small number of the people the London Ambulance medics see every day, Ms Cranmer urged the public to respect their staff.

She said: "I want to urge the public to treat our staff with kindness and respect while they go about their very busy shifts."

She added: "We have invested £3 million in fitting our ambulances with safety systems to protect our staff and created a dedicated violence reduction team to encourage reporting and ensure abusers are brought to justice.

"Staff and volunteers feel increasingly confident to come forward and trust they will be supported through our own teams and the courts."


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Violence Reduction Officers at the Service actively encourage all ambulance crew members to report every instance of abuse.

More than 70 per cent of staff members currently report abusive incidents, with continued efforts to improve the reporting culture.

Although many cases never go to court due on medical grounds, since April 2023 there have been 38 successful prosecutions.

The London Ambulance Service has also equipped its ambulances with panic buttons, recording devices, exterior surveillance monitors, and electronic tracking for faster police response times.

They are part of the national "Work Without Fear" campaign, joining together with other ambulance services across the country to promote a zero-violence culture for frontline workers.