Channel 4 is seeking London-based virgins to take part in a new TV series about sex and intimacy issues.

The programme, produced by Double Act Television, serves as a response to recent research from The Princes Trust and UCL that revealed 40% of young people are anxious about meeting others, contributing to an increasing number staying virgins for longer than previous generations.

Selected candidates - individuals who struggle with intimacy or are still virgins - will embark on a trip to a Mediterranean island retreat, where they can address their fears with help from world-leading intimacy experts.

The show, set to be named The Intimacy Retreat, will gather leading sexologists from around the world who will offer therapeutic help to the participants.

Double Act Television said: "This series uncovers a hidden issue totally at odds with the hyper-sexualised media portrayal associated with young people today.

"Addressing this in a sensitive and responsible way will provide contributors and audiences with a much more accurate picture of what many young people in Britain today are really experiencing."

All individuals, aged 21 or over, are invited to apply at