The historic Hornsey Road Baths and Laundry is to host London's newest professional performance space.

Theatre company Stockroom - formerly Out of Joint - is teaming up with drama school the Collective Acting Studio to run the venue in Tillman Place, Islington.

Their first production Influence opens at the 'Collective Theatre' on October 19, starring Kit Young, best known for Netfilx hit The Shadow and the Bone.

Ham & High: Kit Young will star in the first production at the Collective Theatre playing a magician in InfluenceKit Young will star in the first production at the Collective Theatre playing a magician in Influence (Image: Hannah Kovacs)

Running until December 2, it has been penned by Stockroom's cooperative of writers and tells the story of a magician, descended from a long line of mentalists, and illusionists, who brings his skills in acting and magic together, to present an enchanting journey through a long-forgotten act he wants to revive.

Stockroom's move comes after its Arts Council funding was axed last November. Executive Producer and CEO, Martin Derbyshire said the company had worked hard to continue their work with new writers, and looked forward to building a strong community for North London's new "creative centre".

“We have produced bold political work around the country and the world and now, having been based in Finsbury Park for 30 years, are excited to continue that work while having a new home to present the best in the writing from underrepresented voices," he said.

Ham & High: The neon sign of a diving woman was added to the baths in the 1930sThe neon sign of a diving woman was added to the baths in the 1930s (Image: Archant)

"We’re delighted to be opening this new venue with such a bold and exciting show, that brings together pure entertainment and also gets audiences talking. This will be the third show since losing our NPO (National Portfolio Organisation) status and it’s a testament to the talent and resilience of everyone at Stockroom, who should be very proud that we’ve made it this far."

The baths were opened in 1892 to encourage the residents of Islington to learn to swim. With two mens pools, a womens' pool and a laundry and washhouse, it hosted water polo, races, swimming clubs like the Finsbury Park Young Men's Christian Association and a 'Grand Swimming Entertainment' with divers and trick swimmers.

In 1902 Australian swimmer Dick Cavill became the first man to swim 100 yards under water in under a minute, and in 1905 Annette Kellerman performed her 'Honeypot' dive there.

In the 1930s the building acquired its distinctive neon sign of a diving woman, but it was bombed in the Blitz and reopened in 1964 by Arsenal manager Billy Wright. In 1972 the women's pool was renovated, but despite further refurbishment in the mid 80s it closed in 1991 due to lack of funds.Ham & High: Stockroom theatre company has joined forces with the Collective Acting Studio drama school to run the former Hornsey baths siteStockroom theatre company has joined forces with the Collective Acting Studio drama school to run the former Hornsey baths site (Image: Stockroom)

While a Grade II listing saved the gatehouse, washhouse, chimney and railings, the main baths were demolished in 2006 to make way for flats, council offices and a children's centre, including a creative hub for young people in the former washhouse.

Now it is home to both Stockroom, and the drama school, which offers actor training to people "currently under-represented in the industry.. in terms of ethnicity, disability and class."

It has two performance spaces each seating 100-150, dressing rooms and green room, a café/bar, recording studio, rehearsal rooms, classrooms, library and office space.

Paul Harvard CEO and founder of the Collective Acting School said: "Having London’s newest professional theatre within the building will provide Collective students with amazing opportunities to build their professional network – and be directly involved in the development of new works. Against the background of Arts Council cuts, and freezes in Higher Education funding, we believe that housing a drama school and a power-house new theatrical venue under the same roof is a way of creating a new collaborative, sustainable model."

Influence runs at Collective Theatre from October 19 until December 2.