Spring is in the air and the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors and beautiful green spaces of our local area.

forum+ is excited to share details about our programme of active, adventure and outdoor activities!

Mind, the mental health charity, has advised that being outdoors can improve your mood, reduce stress and help you feel more relaxed. At forum+ we love interacting outdoors and there is much to enjoy across Camden and Islington!

The rising cost of living means more people are at risk of becoming socially isolated. Not being able to afford to interact in the community entrenches loneliness and perpetuates already existing inequality. All of forum+ social support groups are free to access and it is our mission to support LGBTQ people to feel visible, confident and that they have a stake in their local community.

Ham & High: Tessa Havers-Strong is concerned about isolation during the cost-of-living crisisTessa Havers-Strong is concerned about isolation during the cost-of-living crisis (Image: forum+)

Over the spring and summer months we invite LGBTQ+ people and their friends to engage in our outdoor social support groups. Upcoming highlights include the forum+ Spring Walk, kayaking at The Pirate Castle in Camden, a visit to Kentish Town City Farm and many more opportunities to get active with forum+!

We understand that engaging in outdoors activities isn’t for everyone and every month we will continue to deliver our online events such as Incite! spoken word, the forum+ Film Club and there will always be opportunities to get involved in events taking place indoors at local LGBTQ+ venues, community centres and spaces.

If you are facing hardship, struggling with loneliness, or if you are a victim of homophobic, biphobic or transphobic hate crime, please don't suffer in silence – please reach out and contact forum+

forum+ is always looking to connect with welcoming community spaces and venues across Camden and Islington. Please get in touch if you would like to host a forum+ activity and collaborate with us. We always welcome volunteer support at our events and you can find out more on our website: forumplus.org.uk/volunteering/

For updated information on all our upcoming events please email info@forumplus.org.uk and follow forum+ social media and website: twitter.com/forumplus, facebook.com/forumplus, instagram.com/forumplus

Tessa Havers-Strong is the director of forum+, a group that works to promote equality for LGBTQ+ people in Camden & Islington