A St John's Wood man has raised the "dangers" of which are parked irresponsibly on residential roads.

Edward Woolf has said that some "reckless people" abandon their scooters on residential streets causing a “dangers to pedestrians and drivers in the area”.

“It’s been a real headache,” he said.

“These scooter stations should be placed in more sensible locations, such as commercial areas, car parks, parks and such like.

“Not on residential roads, where there is no space and reckless people leaving them everywhere.”

Ham & High: Abandoned E-scooters are a 'danger to pedestrians and drivers'Abandoned E-scooters are a 'danger to pedestrians and drivers' (Image: Edward Woolf)

He added: “They’ve even left them outside of our drive and we can’t get the car out.”

E-scooter firm Lime has launched a campaign encouraging people to park responsibly.

Park Like Your Gran is Watching aims to raise awareness and educate its riders on responsible e-bikes and scooter parking.

The campaign involves clean pavement stencilling showing where the e-scooters and bikes should not be left - all to keep riders on their “best behaviour” by displaying what responsible parking looks like.

Hal Stevenson, senior public affairs manager at Lime in the UK, said: “We love that Londoners are embracing our e-bikes.

“The majority of our riders park responsibly, but for the minority that don’t, we know that education is key.

"This campaign is all about raising awareness of what good parking looks like to help people end their rides responsibly and safely.”

Westminster City Council is taking part in a TfL-led rental e-scooter trial which was launched during the summer. 

The council has implemented 58 marked trial bays on the kerbsides to determine support and demand for the scheme across different areas of the city.

Cllr Paul Dimoldenberg, cabinet member for city management and air quality, said: "Under existing agreements with scooter operators part of this scheme – Tier, Dott and Lime – they are to regularly advise riders of the safety guidance before hiring a scooter and to respect the needs of other road users, including the clear instruction not to ride on any footpaths or through parks.

“The safety of our residents is an utmost priority for us and we will be evaluating whether the trial has met its objectives, including its usage and safety records before any final decision is made by the council to make our bays permanent, or otherwise.”

Visit www.li.me/gran to get guidance on scooter parking.

To raise issues with the council, email askhighways@westminster.gov.uk