A Barnet three-year old who underwent a kidney transplant can recover in comfort after being gifted a special booster seat.

Leia Morsbach was born with a rare form of mitochondrial disease, a genetic disorder which means her cells have difficulty producing energy. 

The youngster has developmental delays, epilepsy, needs to be fed by tube, is deaf and has severe muscle weakness, similar to cerebral palsy, meaning she is unable to sit without support, walk or talk.

Dad Tom came to her rescue recently by donating his kidney when she was admitted to Great Ormand Street hospital with kidney disease.  

However, with only a high chair at home that she wouldn’t be able to tolerate, she would have needed to stay in bed while she recuperated.

The family turned to Newlife, a charity for disabled children, who provided a specialist supportive seat, the P Pod, through its equipment grants service.

Tom said: “Leia was initially recovering in hospital for six weeks, but when she came home she needed somewhere she could continue her recovery in comfort, and the P Pod from Newlife allowed her to sleep and chill while being fully supported and still be with us. It was a great help.

“Although her recovery was the initial reason we needed the P Pod, it has now become a key piece in our home. 

"The seat itself is easy to move anywhere we need it and even into the garden, so she can always be with us and we can keep an eye on her, or even safely leave her for a few minutes if we need to.

“The new kidney is working amazingly well for Leia and she loves to watch cartoons from the P Pod." 

He said the seat allows her one-year-old brother, Robin, to get close to her "and bring her things which is really sweet".

“Having the P Pod is great and we are really pleased she has what she has!”

Kamaljit Dulai, Newlife child and family support manager, said: “We are so glad we could help Leia and her family. 

“At Newlife we are here to help families of disabled and terminally ill children where the lack of the right equipment means they are in pain, unsafe, unable to do things others take for granted or denied the opportunity to reach their potential, trapped unnecessarily in hospital, or even in a crisis situation."