Each week, the Gazette takes to the streets to unearth something being manufactured right here in Hackney. This week we visit Hyacinth Myers to find out about her semi-precious jewellery.

Ham & High: Hyacinth Myers' earringsHyacinth Myers' earrings (Image: Hyacinth Myers')

Hyacinth Myers makes her semi-precious earrings in her kitchen in Shacklewell Lane, Dalston.

She started out making jewellery 15 years ago when she couldn’t find anything on sale she wanted to wear.

Using shells, wood, and ethically sourced bone she taught herself to make necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

She had no plans to sell anything but got a good reaction from her friends who liked them. Now she sells her wares under the guise of Soul Conscious Creations in the Hackney Pirates and online.

These days she’s working as a holistic therapist and will custom make earrings for her clients from semi-precious stones and healing crystals.

“If someone has circulation problems I use a stone like agate, jasper or red carnelian,” she said. “I literally surround myself with hundreds of crystals, which sounds a bit weird. I pick them up and make them quite organically.”