Dancing drag queens – and kings – joined council staff and community groups at the Pride parade to show there truly is a rainbow around Hackney.

Ham & High: Dr Ronx having fun on the parade.Dr Ronx having fun on the parade. (Image: Archant)

The borough was out and proud at the event for the fourth year running, with 120 people there representing the borough.

Performers from The Glory pub in Haggerston provided a colourful show on the council’s float. This year’s slogan is #PrideMatters, so they were joined by representatives from a diverse range of groups such as St Joseph’s Hospice; Homerton Hospital; Project Indigo youth group; Fringe! Film Fest; Rainbow Grow; The Outside Project; Hackney Showroom; Hackney’s QTIPOC (Queer, Trans and Intersex People of Colour) group, Culture Device and Drag Syndrome.

Mayor Phil Glanville was there. He said: “Bringing Hackney to Pride, with one of the most inclusive and diverse contingents, we amplified that we march in solidarity, challenging all forms of hate, while celebrating and standing with the LGBTQI+ community here and across the world.”

Ham & High: The Hackney contingent at Pride 2018.The Hackney contingent at Pride 2018. (Image: Archant)