A ground-breaking AI Art Fair is exhibiting in Shoreditch showcasing Artificial Intelligence and NFT (non-fungible token) artists around the world.

The event at Deeep, in 150 Curtain Road, is the UK’s first event that assembles avant-garde of AI and digital art, showing different installations both online and at the exhibition space.

It presents cutting-edge works from artists which make us of the possibility of algorithm, deep learning, code and digital manipulation to produce ever-evolving works of mesmerising beauty and stark reality.

Eulan To, co-founder of Deeep told the Gazette: “During lockdown digital art increased in peoples interests and people started to appreciate this type of art in a new way.

“We are hoping that from this art fair people can appreciate it in person now that things are getting back to normal.”

He added: "What we are witnessing with the rise of AI generative art reaffirms the importance of art while also expanding its boundaries beyond the norm and beyond our imagination.

Ham & High: Der Golem by Arnie, 2021, from NFT and Sculpture metalDer Golem by Arnie, 2021, from NFT and Sculpture metal (Image: Deeep)

“It's driving debate about the role and status of AI, and as we try to make sense of the significance and prospect of this new frontier of art, there's a lot of excitement about what the future of digital art holds."

A spokeswoman for KnownOrgin, an artist-driven platform that partners with Deeep also said: “We could not be happier to be partnering with Deeep for this year's AI Art Fair.

“With generative NFTs breaking and setting new records in sales and acquisitions, this fair is the perfect platform to celebrate how far this art movement has come in such a short time and to have a focused conversation about the present and future direction of AI art.”

Deeep focuses on bringing together the work of established artists and emerging talent, presenting works that will trace the early origins of the proto movement from the 1950s to the present day and anticipate its future.

Some artists include Alexander Reben alongside art collective Obvious, makers of the famous 'Edmondde Belamy' portrait, and Oxia Palus, makers of the NeoMasters Series.

Ham & High: “Picasso Nude” by Oxia Palus, 2021, 3D print on canvas, Neo Masters Series“Picasso Nude” by Oxia Palus, 2021, 3D print on canvas, Neo Masters Series (Image: Deeep)

The Art Fair will take place in Shoreditch, London from October 13-17 2021.