Would you want to know if the property you are considering has a history of paranormal activity before you seal the deal? We talk to ghostfinder Barri Ghai about investigating haunted properties.


Barri Ghai is the founder of the Ghostfinder Paranormal Society, a London-based ‘professional paranormal investigation team’ that deals with reports of paranormal activity throughout the UK. They have been taking cases for over ten years.

“This time of year brings the subject to the forefront of people’s mind,” Ghai says. People come with their stories, bringing photographs, videos and audio fragments. “One in every 20 homes that we investigate is potentially haunted,” he says.

“North London is one of the most haunted areas in London. The sheer number of cases... It’s a densely populated area built over some of the most historic land in England.” Indeed, history is something you might want to keep in mind when considering a property, Ghai says, because the richer the history of a property the higher the chances of it being haunted.

“We can investigate someone’s home in 4-5 hours,” Ghai says. An investigation starts with a conversation with the client to assess the situation and talk through their experiences. The team would then use its equipment to see if anything is detected in the property. This includes using modified full spectrum cameras and electronic voice phenomena, which records ghosts’ voices. The team would also check for temperature fluctuations, cold spots and changes in the electromagnetic spectrum.

“We would try and explain exactly what we found and advise the client on the best course of action,” Ghai says. Because a haunting doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing- some people actively seek out haunted houses to live in, and most of the time spirits are harmless. “In only about 1 percent of the cases the spirit is malevolent in any shape, size or form. The main issue is that people are afraid of the unknown,” Ghai says.

Unlike in the US, estate agents in the UK have no legal obligation to disclose information about the history or hauntings of a property. But they have a moral obligation and duty to do so, says Ghai, who is collaborating with House Network to check properties and award ‘ghost-free certificates.’ “I don’t think it’s fair to sell people a property that you know is haunted and not tell,” he says.

An investigation for a vendor as part of the Ghost Free certificate campaign would generally cost between £150 and £500 depending on the size and location of the property. The Ghostfinder Paranormal Society does not charge a fee for the public if contacted directly. They ask for expenses to be covered in most circumstances.

So what are the basic things to pay attention to when you’re visiting a property? “Check that when you walk around the house it feels comfortable, that there are no temperature changes or electrical disturbances,” Ghai says. But most importantly, and in all situations, stay calm and try and explain any events rationally and logically, he says, “It’s very easy to jump to conclusions.”

Think your house is haunted? Contact the Ghostfinder Paranormal Society