Film crews have been spotted in Archway - with cinematic superstar Cate Blanchett reportedly among those seen on set.

Though there is signage aplenty in the Archway Road area, a code name is being used to keep the exact project under wraps.

That hasn't stopped eager onlookers speculating, however.

A source has told the Gazette that the crews are from Apple TV, and that they've caught glimpses of Cate herself.

No official confirmation as of yet; however, what we do know is that the much-loved actor has signed on to be part of an Apple TV production.

'Disclaimer' - a psychological thriller from the award-winning Alfonso Cuarón - was given the greenlight in December last year, with Ms Blanchett and Kevin Kline its confirmed stars.

Others watching on have reported seeing Mr Kline on the set.

As part of the filming, a crane has been spotted filming near Becky's Convenience Store on the corner of Cressida Road and Dresden Road.

More as we get it.

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