The Government has tightened the law on speeding cyclists after a second person died following a collision with a bike in the Regent’s Park.

MPs voted through an amendment to create three new offences including 'causing death by dangerous cycling' in the House of Commons on Wednesday.

In the most recent fatality, Brian Fitzgerald crashed into 81-year-old Hilda Griffiths in June 2022 while doing laps of Regent’s Park with his Muswell Hill cycling club.

Despite the park having a 20mph speed limit, the group had been averaging 25mph and had even reached 29mph, according to GPS readings.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper confirmed the amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill.

He said: "Most cyclists, like most drivers, are responsible and considerate.

"But it’s only right that the tiny minority who recklessly disregard others face the full weight of the law for doing so.

"Just like car drivers who flout the law, we are backing this legislation introducing new offences around dangerous cycling.

"These new measures will help protect law-abiding cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, whilst ensuring justice is done."

Former Conservative leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith has been campaigning for this change since the death of Kim Briggs in Regent's Park in 2016, who was hit by Charlie Alliston on a fixed-gear bike with no front brakes.

Sir Iain stressed that the new law was "urgent".

He said: "The amendment, I believe, will achieve equal accountability, just as drivers are held accountable for dangerous driving that results in death, cyclists should face similar consequences for reckless behaviour that leads to fatalities."

Causing death or serious injury by dangerous or inconsiderate driving are already offences, but only if the vehicle is "mechanically propelled".

The proposed law also states that cyclists should ensure their vehicle "is equipped and maintained" in a legal way, which includes keeping brakes in working order.

It would apply to incidents involving pedal cycles, e-bikes, e-scooters and e-unicycles.

Cyclist groups, however, have long advocated for responsible behaviour when riding around pedestrians.

They caution against an excessive reaction as government officials intensify pre-election rhetoric favouring motorists, including calls for local councils to abandon bicycle lanes and low-traffic neighbourhoods.